Difference Between By and Through

November 2022 · 5 minute read

Main Difference

The main difference between the prepositions By and Through is that By is a preposition used when someone refers to the means of something whereas Through is a preposition that is used in relation to any process preposition

By vs. Through

‘By’ is a preposition used when someone refers to the means of something; on the other hand, ‘Through’ is a preposition that is used about any process. ‘By’ indicates a location that is next to or past beyond something, while ‘Through’ shows a location from one place to another or across a site. ‘By’ refers to the modes of transportation; on the other side,’Through’ refers to the completion of an activity. The preposition ‘By’ directs a specific time, whereas the preposition ‘Through’ describes a time during the whole time period.

Moreover, the preposition ‘By’ indicates the ownership of any kind of writing, composition, or creation; on the contrary, ‘Through’ shows the process or manner via which a thing is achieved. ‘By’ also tells the way of something, its origin, and result; on the other hand, ‘Through,’ on the other hand, directs the completion of an activity.

‘By’ is preposition telling the origin or result of something, while ‘Through’ preposition is used in a way that a task is fulfilled. ‘By’ indicates or shows the amount, size, or margin of a thing; on the other side, ‘Through’ tells the extent of a thing. The use of ‘By’ can be seen in multiplicative terms, whereas ‘Through’ is not used in such conditions.

Comparison Chart

‘By’ used when someone refers to the means of something‘Through’ used about any process
Part of Speech
Directs a specific timeDescribes a time during the whole period
A location that is next to or past beyond somethingA location from one place to another or across a place
Refers To
Means of anythingRelation to any process
About a Thing
Tells the amount, size or margin of a thingTells the extent of a thing
Other Relations
Modes of transportationCompletion of an activity

What is By?

‘By’ is one of the most common prepositions of the English language. A preposition is one of the parts of speech in the English language that tends to indicate the relationship between two things. So the preposition ‘By’ also reflects the connection of a subject with the surroundings. This relationship can be of various types.

When there is an action, ‘By’ identifies the doer/performer of, e.g., “Pride and Prejudice is written by Jane Austen.” ‘By’ is used to indicate the location that is near or next to a thing, e.g., “My uncle lives by the lake along with his family.” It also suggests past and beyond location, e.g., I drove by your office yesterday. ‘By’ is also used to indicate a period in a context that the time is not later than, at or before a period, e.g., She will complete her project by next week. ‘By’ directs a time within any extent or period, e.g., “Werewolf always hunts by night.”

‘By’ reflects how a thing was achieved, e.g., “She paid by credit card.” Moreover, the preposition ‘By’ indicates a mode of transportation and the amount or size of the margin, e.g., “I arrived by plane.” “The girl missed the train by a little distance.” It refers to the origins or positions of the beings, e.g., “These plants are produced by the cloning process. My best friend is an engineer by profession.” Furthermore, the preposition ‘By’ indicates the results or consequence of something, e.g., “It happened by accident.”

What is Through?

‘Through’ is a common and essential preposition in the English language. It reflects the relation of things with each other or with any other matter. ‘Through’ preposition function in different ways. It indicates ‘from a location to the other.’ It reflects “in at one end, and out at the other, e.g., “The thief stepped through the window.” When there is a relation of past or beyond, we use ‘Through,’ e.g., “You have to travel through the mountains to get to the mysterious cave.”

It reflects the relationship that is ‘during the whole period,’ e.g., John practiced for the speech through the night. The preposition ‘Through’ refers to the completion of something, e.g., “I got through my exams.” It is also indicating the manner by which a thing is caused or achieved, e.g., “Coronavirus enters the body mainly through the mouth.” It was through my negligence that I lost the opportunity.” ‘Through’ denotes ‘inspecting a part of it or the whole collection.’“She searched for the required book, flipping through all the book racks.”

Key Differences

  • ‘By’ indicates a location that is next to or past beyond something; in contrast, ‘Through’ indicates a location from one place to another or across a site.
  • ‘By’ is used when someone refers to the means of anything, whereas ‘Through’ is a preposition that is used about any process.
  • ‘By’ refers to the modes of transportation; on the flip side, ‘Through’ refers to the completion of an activity.
  • ‘By’ indicates the ownership of any kind of writing, composition, or creation, contrarily ‘Through’ indicates the process or manner via which a thing is achieved.
  • The preposition ‘By’ directs a specific time; on the other hand, the preposition ‘Through’ describes a time during the whole time period.
  • ‘By’ indicates or tells the amount, size, or margin of a thing; inversely, ‘Through’ tells the extent of something.
  • ‘By’ tells the manner of something, its origin, and result; on the other side, ‘Through’ directs the completion of an activity.
  • The use of ‘By’ can be seen in multiplicative terms; on the contrary, the use of ‘Through’ is not found in such conditions.
  • ‘By’ is preposition telling the origin or result of something, conversely ‘Through’ preposition is used in a way that a task is fulfilled.
  • Conclusion

    ‘By’ and ‘Through’ are the words commonly seen as prepositions in the English language. Both these prepositions are different from each other, having different usage.
