Difference Between Bobcat and Lynx

January 2022 · 6 minute read

Main Difference

The main Difference between Bobcat and Lynx is that Bobcat is the average-sized cat with extended, crested ears and a small, trimmed tail, whereas the Lynx have a small tail, feature clumps of black hair on the edges of their ears, massive, packed feet for a walk or stroll on snow and extended facial hairs.

Bobcat vs. Lynx

There are one species of Bobcat with thirteen subclasses that might originate across North America from Canada to Mexico. On the other hand, there are three species of Lynx, which are residents to Asia, Europe, northern parts of Canada, and the USA. Bobcat inhabits deserts, swamps, mountains, scrublands, and diverse kinds of forest areas, whereas Lynx resides wooded regions on high altitudes.

Bobcat is smaller, while Lynx is larger than Bobcat. Bobcat might attain 28 to 39 centimeters in extent plus 16 to 31 kilograms of mass; conversely, Lynx might reach 31 to 51 centimeters in extent and 18 to 66 kilograms of mass. Bobcat has smaller, dark-colored ear clumps, smaller legs, and lesser hooves contrast with Lynx. While Lynx has big bunches of hair on the ears, that abruptly assures even to the slightest movement of the enemy.

Bobcat has smaller, light brown or grey fur with eminent brown-red spots on the body plus dark strips on the legs, while Lynx has exceptionally thick and elongated fur, which is generally silver in color. The tail end of Bobcat is enclosed with dark bands and has a two-colored top, dark on the superior side, and colorless on the lower side. While Tail of Lynx is a little smaller and completely dark on the top.

Bobcat has an additional varied diet, it quests and eats, rats, mice, fish, eastern cottontail, birds, etc. While Lynx is specific for diet, reindeer and rabbits are frequently on the Lynx’s list of options. Bobcat is more mysterious and reserved. While Lynx is less reserved and it is frequently observed in nature.

Comparison Chart

The average-sized cat that belonged from the Lynx genre.Any medium-sized cat that is a member of the Lynx genre.
Length is 71 to 100 centimetersLength is 80 to 129 centimeters
Found In
Originate in Northern Mexico and North AmericaSet up frequently in Asia, Europe, plus North America
Extremely adaptable; might flourish in swamps woodlands, deserts, mountains, and prairiesBased on the coat of densely wooded areas
Number of species
It contains twelve subspecies.It consists of four species in its grouping.
Bobcat is more aggressive.Lynx is less aggressive.

What is Bobcat?

Bobcats seems very alike to Lynx of Canada. Although bobcats contain shorter feet and do not have the fuzzy soles, so they are not so good ready to live in regions of intense snow. Bobcats are capable of staying alive in a diversity of environments, from swamps to deserts to woodlands, though there are spaces where they might conceal. They frequently exist in stony areas that provide them protection from intense heat or cold.

Bobcat is an average-sized North American cat that earliest seen during the Irvingtonian period approximately 1.8 million years ago. Comprising two known subspecies, The Bobcat is a flexible killer that survives forested areas, including forest edge, urban edge semidesert, plus swamp environments. It remnants in a little of its unique range, however, populations are susceptible to local extinction, by domestic animals and coyotes.

With a brown to grey fur, black-tufted ears, and whiskered face, the Bobcat matches the other variety of the medium-sized species Lynx. It is shorter on standard compared to the Canada lynx. Some inhabitants call it the shrew or spitfire of the Kingdom Animalia, as it appears bold and fearless and won’t go back from a battle! It is north American most usual native cat.

Bobcats habitually contend with coyotes for similar shelter and food. They are delicate creepers and might flee up a tree if desired, but they’d relatively expend their time on the ground. Bobcats might also go swimming if they want to, but it is not their first option!

What is Lynx?

Lynx has a small and very short tail, typical bunches of dark or black hair on the tops of their ears, big, cushioned feet for scrolling on snow, and long body hair on the front. Beneath their neckline, they have a frill that has dark or black rods similar to a necktie, though this is frequently not noticeable.

Skin color varying from average brown to golden to white and is rarely manifest with dark hazel dots, particularly on the legs. All kinds of Lynx contain white pelage or fur on their chests or trunks, bellies, and on the of their legs, pelage, which is a porch of the chest and belly fur. Fur extent and feet size change by virtue of the weather in their choice. In the United States, they are dark in color, short-haired, and their feet are shorter and small packed.

As the atmosphere gets chilly and more polar, Lynx has gradually, lighter color, thicker fur, and their feet are better and more cushioned to adapt to the snow. Their feet might be greater than a person’s foot or hand.

Lynx relates to three groups of cat-like in the genre Lynx. They are higher in size, weight about 85 pounds. They have ear clumps that might elongate to more than an inch in extension The fril about their face blows out into a false-wool. They have larger legs and broader feet than bobcats. The fur of Lynx has diverse tones of grey and no characteristic structuring. Lynx exists all through most of Russian, Europe, plus northern Asia. Lynx is also present in Canada and next to the United States’ boundary. They favor a forested home.

Key Differences

  • The Bobcat is a middle-sized, aggressive, North American cat that constitutes a fraction of the four class under the Lynx gender. On the other hand, species Lynx is a name that explains any of the four variables that create up the Lynx genre and can be originated in, Asia, Europe, and North America.
  • Bobcat is slightly smaller, while Lynx is slightly larger than Bobcat.
  • Bobcat has spotted fur. On the contrary, Lynx has a furry or hairy face without spots and dull skin of grey color.
  • Bobcats flourish in roughly every surrounding in the United States. On the other side, Lynx exists in the woodlands of northern Asia Europe, plus Canada.
  • Bobcats are differing in their foods and diets with animals or creatures small and large. On the other hand, Lynx will chase rabbits almost exclusively.
  • Bobcats are more offensive and hide them. On the other side, Lynx is less aggressive, shy human contact.
  • Conclusion

    To sum up, Bobcats are set up in a diversity of weather or climates and regions from rocky to arid deserts and mountainous areas. On the other side, Lynxes incline to exist in cold and chilly forests. Bobcat contains a much emerging soft frill or ruff, whereas Lynx has a lush ruffle of fur on its jowls.
