Difference between Big Data and Cloud Computing

February 2022 · 5 minute read

Difference between Big Data and Cloud Computing

Big Data

Big data simply represents huge sets of data, both structured and unstructured, that can be further processed to extract information. Huge volumes of data are being generated over the internet every second and one machine is not enough to handle all the data which comes in all kinds of formats. It provides keen insights to the prospective business owners who would then gather, store, and organize the data for further analysis.

However, it’s not how much data that goes into the system that matters; it’s what these businesses or organizations do with such huge volume of data that matters. The only problem is that it’s all raw data as it comes from a variety of sources. Storing the data would have been a problem in the earlier days, but thanks to the new technologies, organizing data has become so much easier, especially with computers doing all the hard work.

A few important characteristics define the big data that can lead to strategic business moves. These features are volume, variety and velocity of data.

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Cloud Computing

Cloud computing provides the infrastructure for gathering data and information over the internet. Rather than a personal computer or a local server, it utilizes a host of remote servers to manage and process such huge volumes of data. It provides the platform to share computer facilities to run programs. The term cloud refers to the internet in cloud computing, in which the internet refers to a platform to store data and run applications.

As a commercial data center provider (public cloud), cloud computing does a lot for end users and prospective business owners. Few of the main advantages of cloud computing are:

Cloud computing more than a technology; it’s a system comprised of following services:

SaaS (Software as a Service) – This service mainly involves licensing of software applications to the users via the internet. It’s basically an on-demand service where users are charged on a subscription basis for the software applications, thereby providing access to cloud-based apps through the internet. It’s a delivery model offered by third-party providers to the end users over the internet.

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) – It’s mainly a computing infrastructure where external cloud providers provide the hardware on a pay-per-use basis. They provide everything from virtual private networks to operating systems. In simple terms, they provide the raw materials for IT and the users pay for only the resources they use.

PaaS (Platform as a Service) – It’s the most complex layer of cloud computing which shares some resemblance with SaaS, but instead of licensing software to the users, it creates a platform for the developers to deliver hardware and software tools, the basic stuff that’s needed for application development.

In simple terms, the cloud does all the heavy lifting starting from taking data from various resources to processing that data to moving that stuff into cyberspace. All your data and information is now available for the whole world to access via cloud, which in this case, is the cloud. Some of the major players in the corporate cloud computing world include Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and more.

Big DataCloud Computing
It’s a terminology used to describe huge volume of data and information.It’s a technology used to store data and information on a remote server rather than on a physical hard drive.
It refers to structured, semi-structured, or unstructured data that can be further processed for analysis.Cloud refers to the internet which in this case, acts as an infrastructure as a service.
Computers are used to unlock patterns from the data sets that are further analyzed to provide business insights.It utilizes a vast network of cloud servers over the internet to analyze data and information, instead of using a personal computer or local server.
It includes all kinds of data in many different formats.It’s a new paradigm to computing resources.
Big data can exist without cloud computing.Cloud requires big data for computing resources.


Both Big data and Cloud computing are the two most trending terms in the ever-growing IT (information technology) world nowadays. Big data is kind of a buzzword used among the marketers to represent large volume of data so huge that is virtually impossible to process by just one machine – whether structured or unstructured. Cloud computing is like an application that systematically stores data and programs using a network of remote servers over the internet. Cloud is just a metaphor representing internet. For example, if big data is content, cloud computing is infrastructure.
