Difference Between Big and Huge

March 2022 ยท 2 minute read

Big means large in size , quantity ,importance or intensity. ... means extraordinarily and unusually big and large again in size ,quantity or extent. The difference between "big" and "huge" is in the degree . "Huge" adds immensity to the size of the object marking it by a striking volume.

Are big and huge the same?

The difference between Big and Huge. When used as adjectives, big means of great size, large, whereas huge means very large. Big is also noun with the meaning: someone or something that is large in stature.

Is Big bigger than huge?

"Huge" and "large" are in the same category: they are adjectives. However, something huge is surprisingly large or excessively large. If something is large, but about as large as can be expected, then it is not huge.

What means huge?

: very large or extensive: such as. a : of great size or area huge buildings. b : great in scale or degree a huge deficit a huge undertaking They're having a huge sale tomorrow. The crowds were huge.

Where we can use huge?

Used with nouns:

"They have a huge advantage in this game." "The search is covering a huge area." "The show was held in a huge auditorium." "He's a huge believer of fate."

How do you use big and large?

Big can refer to the physical size of an object, but it also means that something is serious or important, while large only refers to the physical size. They can only be used with countable nouns: a big city, a large company. But not with uncountable nouns!

Is big formal?

In reference to the size and extent of concrete objects, big is the most general and most colloquial word, large is somewhat more formal, and great is highly formal and even poetic, suggesting also that the object is notable or imposing: a big tree; a large tree; a great oak; a big field; a large field; great plains.

What is a fancy word for big?

What is another word for big?


What type of word is huge?

Huge is an adjective - Word Type.

What is opposite huge?

Opposite word of huge. Opposite Word of huge: "dwarf, little, miniature, minute, small, teeny, tiny"

What is the meaning of huge fan?

countable noun [usually noun NOUN] If you are a fan of someone or something, especially a famous person or a sport, you like them very much and are very interested in them.
