Difference between Bathroom and Shower Room (With Table)

March 2023 ยท 4 minute read

In almost every home, there will be a bathroom or a shower room where people clean themselves from. The room is very essential and needs to be clean all the time.

The terms bathroom and shower room have been used interchangeably as both are used to refer to rooms where people clean themselves.

The two terms are completely different from each other as it depends on what has been fixed in the room like the sink, bathtubs.

So, what is the main difference between bathroom and shower room? A bathroom is a room containing a toilet, sink, bathtub, and shower while a shower room is a room that contains at least one shower head and one-floor drain.

For more information about the difference between bathroom and shower room in tabular form, continue reading the article. You will also get to learn of the similarities.

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Comparison Table (Bathroom vs Shower Room)

Basic TermsBathroomShower room
DefinitionIt is a room that contains a toilet, sink, bathtub, and shower.It is a room that contains at least one shower head and one-floor drain.
ComponentsIt contains a sink, toilet, bathtub, and shower.It contains at least one shower and one-floor drain.
HygieneIt is less hygienic when people use the same bathtub.It is more hygienic as the water will drain out smoothly.
SizeIt is big in size.It is small in size.
WaterIt requires a lot of water.It requires little water.

What is a Bathroom?

It is a room within a house that is used for personal hygiene purposes. It normally contains a sink, toilet, bathtub, and even shower.

They usually have one or more towel rings or bars. This is where you hang your towel as you clean yourself.

Some bathrooms contain pieces of furniture such as bathroom cabinets for keeping personal hygiene products and even medicine.

Some contain drawers or shelves which are used to store towels and other items to be used while undergoing personal hygiene.

It should also be fixed with both taps for cold and warm water as one may need to use any. The floor, ceiling, and wall should be made of materials that are impervious to enable easy cleaning.

What is Shower Room?

The shower room is a room where people bathe under a spray of warm or hot water. It mainly consists of at least one shower head and one-floor drain.

Some showerheads have adjustable shower head nozzles. The simplest ones have a swiveling nozzle that aims down on the user while the complex ones have a showerhead connected to the hose that has a mounting bracket.

For complex ones, the one taking shower has to hold it by hand and spray water to other parts of the body.

The use of a shower is more hygienic hence most people prefer using the shower. It also uses less water as compared to the use of bathtubs.

Showers originated from waterfalls. The falling water rinsed those bathing completely and was also more efficient as compared to traditional bathing in a basin.

The various types of showerheads include; fixed showerheads, shower handsets, ceiling-mounted faucets, adjustable showerheads, and shower panels.

Main Difference between Bathroom and Shower Room

  • The bathroom is big in size while a shower room is small in size.
  • The bathroom has a lot of components such as bathtubs, sinks, toilets, and a shower while a shower room contains only one showerhead and one-floor drain.
  • The bathroom requires a lot of water while the shower room requires little water.
  • The bathroom may be unhygienic while the shower room is more hygienic.
  • Similarities between Bathroom and Shower Room

  • Both rooms involve cleaning oneself.
  • Both rooms contain water.
  • Both rooms should have good drainage.
  • Conclusion

    The bathroom and shower room are both used for cleaning oneself. The room should be highly hygienic as it may transmit diseases from one person to another.

    The two terms have been used interchangeably by many people. However, the two are completely different from each other.

    The main difference between bathroom and shower room is that bathroom contains a sink, toilet, bathtub, and even shower while a shower room contains one showerhead and one-floor drain.

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