Difference Between B.A. and B.S.

February 2022 · 5 minute read

The students must choose a better college degree course. It also becomes vital for the candidates who are fresh out o high school.

The initial college degree sets the tone for a particular candidate’s career path. Choosing the right one from thousands of degree courses require thoughtful support and guidance.

There are many primarily undergraduate degree courses. The two most common and prominent degrees available in the colleges are Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

B.A. vs B.S.

The main difference between B.A. and B.S. is that B.A. predominantly focuses on humanities and arts as the course study while B.S. has mathematics and science in the course structure.

Choosing a B.A. or B.S. completely depends on the type of career path a student chooses to take. Both have separate career tracks that the students will be set in.


Comparison Table Between B.A. and B.S. (in Tabular Form)

Parameter of ComparisonB.AB.S.
Focus of Course WorkBachelor of Arts focusses predominantly on Humanities and Arts.Bachelor of Science focusses predominantly on technical subjects.
Course durationBachelor of Arts can be completed within a span of 3 to 4 years depends on the country of choice. There are countries where you can do the course for 3 years while there are 4 years courses in certain other countriesBachelor of Science is a 3 to 5-year course across the world, though called in different terminologies.
Focus on SubjectsThe students will take many liberal arts subjects there and they have a chance to mold their interest in studies.The students have to undergo high-level mathematics and science to complete their courses.
Nature of Course WorkB.A. is quite flexible as the students are allowed to choose from the broad array of subjects available to fulfill the credits for the course. They can also choose based on their interest patternsB.S. is rigid. The course work is curtailed for any outside options of choosing any other subjects. It is required of the student to study all the subjects that are involved in the course curriculum to come out successful.
Learning PatternMostly theoretical, based on the subject chosen as major.B.S. involves both theory and practical application of the subjects learned in the laboratories in the college.

What is B.A.?

B.A. is a bachelor’s degree offered to a student through an undergraduate program in the field of arts and sciences. Bachelor of Arts degree course can take up to 3 to 4 years for completion.

The courses offered under B.A. are Philosophy, Economics, Political Science, History, Psychology, Anthropology, Library Science, Archaeology, and Education. The students also have few elective subjects along with the chosen specialization in the degree course.

The students have the flexibility to choose their subjects to earn their credits. The students require fewer credits which are linked to their major subject.

B.A. offers every student a choice to select their subjects apart from the major to earn these credits. This can be based out of interest and at times on the context of completing the course with good scores.

The students have the liberty to customize their education pattern by selecting the subjects of their choice. This builds a wide area of opportunities for them to build their career.

Bachelor of Arts is a degree designed to offer very broad-based skills to the students. B.A. requires less hard work to earn a degree. The evaluation pattern in B.A. is mostly thorough examination and evaluation. The students are expected to get minimum passing marks to get the degree.


What is B.S.?

B.S. is a bachelor’s degree offered to a student through an undergraduate program in the field of Science and Technology. Bachelor of Science degree course can take up to 3 to 5 years for completion.

Courses offered under B.S. contain technical subjects with mathematics and science featuring the major part of the course. The students must study all the subjects with equal importance to get good credits during the course.

The students have the flexibility to choose their specialization in B.S. However, the subjects allied with the chosen branch cannot be customized.

The course curriculum of B.S. is rigid, and the students do not have an option to choose subjects from outside. B.S. builds a strong foundation to act and be an engineer.

Bachelor of Science is designed to offer students a thorough technical knowledge in the chosen field of interest. B.S. requires higher credits to earn a degree at the college.

Students who pursue B.S. has a lot of option to step onto technical research field. The career path will be on the technical side.

B.S. involves both theoretical and practical based subjects to gain a better knowledge of the chosen field. The evaluation pattern as examination also happens theoretical as well as practical implementation.

Main Differences Between B.A. and B.S.

  • The major difference between B.A. and B.S. is. Bachelor of Arts is an undergraduate degree program in the field of arts and sciences while Bachelor of Science is an undergraduate degree program in the field of technology.
  • The time duration to complete B.A. is anywhere between three to four years whereas B.S. is between three to five years.
  • The students have the maximum flexibility in earning the degree as they have choices open to select the subjects of their liberal art to earn their credits. A student doing the B.S. has no option to choose any subject of choice apart from the specialized area of study which would be chosen while joining college.
  • B.A. involves more of a theoretical study while B.S involves both theoretical as well as practical application of the study.
  • B.A. requires to show consistent balanced performance in all the subjects chosen, however, B.S. requires a student to master every subject that comes his way.


    Both the undergraduate degree programs have equal weightage in the career path. It is the interest and requirement which needs to be analyzed before choosing the pathway. The skills homed in a B.A. are more on the grounds of communication, language and writing areas whereas B.S. offers analytical ability and technical proficiency.

    The B.A and B.S. have a different career choice, but they all require their specific skill sets to shine. Considering the academic strengths and weaknesses, the degree of study shall be opted for.

    All the more, career interests matter the most for a person’s career. As what interests a person can create wonders in life.



  • https://www.bachelorsportal.com/countries/degrees/538214413/bachelor-of-science-in-united-states.html
  • https://www.bachelorstudies.com/Bachelor/Arts/USA/
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmmpFirq%2BwjJuqaA%3D%3D