Difference Between Autumn and Spring

February 2023 · 5 minute read

Autumn marks a period of transition between the summer and winter seasons. The spring season marks the interim period between the winter and summer months. Hence, the spring season is enjoyed in the first half of each year, while the autumn season is enjoyed during the last quarter of each year.

Autumn vs Spring

The main difference between autumn and spring is that while the autumn season falls towards the end of each year, the season of spring is experienced at the beginning of each new year. In the Northern hemisphere, the autumn season commences from the month of September and extends until the beginning of the winter months. While the season of spring begins from the month of March and ends by the month of May in the Northern hemisphere.

Comparison Table Between Autumn and Spring

Parameters of ComparisonAutumnSpring
Time of OccurrenceAutumn begins in the Northern hemisphere from the month of September and continues until the winter months. It is experienced towards the end of the year.Spring begins in the Northern hemisphere from the month of March and continues until the summer months. It is experienced during the beginning of the year.
Duration of DaysDays tend to become shorter and nights become longer.Days and nights have an almost equal duration.
Environmental ChangesLeaves of trees turn red, orange, and yellow. Trees begin to shed their leaves.New leaves and buds blossom during the spring season.
Transitional StageAutumn is the transitional period between summer and winter.Spring is the interim season between winter and summer.
TemperatureAutumn season is known as the ‘cooling-off season’ as temperatures begin to drop.Spring marks the rise of temperatures during the day in preparation for the upcoming summer months.
Alternative namesAlso known as the ‘fall’ season.No other alternative names.
Literary Connotations and AssociationsAssociated with endings and conclusions.Associated with rebirth and regrowth.

What is Autumn?

The autumn season is the short intermediate period between the summer and winter months. In the Northern hemisphere, it is celebrated from September to mid-November. While in the Southern hemisphere, the autumn season begins in the month of March.

This season is marked by a corresponding drop in temperatures and early sunsets, making the days shorter. Colloquially known as ‘the season of fall’, leaves alter their green countenance during this period.

The ground is soon covered with red and orange leaves that trees shed during this season. This environmental change also encourages its metaphorical association with endings in literary works of fiction.

What is Spring?

Spring is the short transitional season between the winter and summer months. The season of spring is celebrated during the month of March in the Northern hemisphere and in the month of September in the Southern hemisphere.

Spring time is associated with new beginnings as this period witnesses animals coming out of their winter hibernation, the growth of new leaves, and the blooming of new flowers. Spring is often connoted as the season of rebirth.

In preparation for the impending summer days, the duration of daylight starts extending during the spring season. This is often accompanied by a steady rise in temperature. The season of spring is a welcome change after the cold, long winter months.

Main Differences Between Autumn and Spring

  • The main difference between autumn and spring is that both these seasons are experienced at different times during the year. In the Northern hemisphere, the spring season precedes the autumn season every year. Beginning from March onwards, the spring season marks the transition into the summer months, while autumn begins during the month of September, marking the transition into the winter months.
  • The second notable difference between the two seasons is the change in the length of days and nights during each of these seasons. While during the spring season, the duration of days and nights is almost equal, the autumn season makes the days shorter and nights longer. As the latter is a prelude to the approaching winter months, the process of shortening the duration of days commences during the autumn season.
  • The environmental changes brought about in the duration of the autumn and spring seasons are also quite contrary to one another. While the leaves of most deciduous trees turn into beautiful shades of orange, red, and yellow during the autumn season, spring brings forth an opposite impact on vegetation. The spring season is marked by the blossoming of flowers and the growth of new leaves on trees.
  • Each of these seasons is associated with very different connotations that are essentially used in literary works. Due to its environmental consequences, the season of autumn is associated with endings, while the spring season is associated with rebirth and reinvigorated growth. The growth of new leaves and flowers is a signal of new life.
  • The autumn season is also colloquially known as the ‘fall’. No alternative name is used to connote the spring season.
  • The beginning of the season of spring makes people aware of the upcoming summer season, while autumn makes them aware of the upcoming winter season.
  • The temperature alterations that accompany each of these seasons are also antagonistic to one another. While autumn is usually known as the ‘cooling-off season’, the spring season begins with a comparable rise in temperatures, in preparation for the approaching summer months.
  • Conclusion

    Autumn and spring are both interim seasons that are conspicuously shorter than the summer and winter seasons. However, apart from this similarity both share a number of essential differences. The most seminal among them being the difference in the time of the year each of these seasons is experiences.

    In the Northern hemisphere, autumn begins towards the end of the year, marking the transition to the upcoming winter season. The spring season, on the other hand, is experienced during the early months of the year and is a transitional phase before the warm summer months.

    In preparation for the winter months, temperatures begin to drop during the autumn season. The length of days is shortened with an early sunset and nightfall. The contrary happens during the spring season when days begin to get warmer and longer for the forthcoming summer months. 

    The autumn season is marked with a change in the shade of leaves- their color changes from green to fiery reds, oranges, and yellows. Most trees shed their leaves during this season, inspiring the name ‘fall’ as an apt title for the autumn season. However, spring is regarded as a season of rebirth and regrowth as trees grow new green leaves and fragrant flowers bloom across the world.


  • https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2007GL030891
  • https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00140138008924730
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmmaWpwq66jJqlnWWjpb%2BqusZo