Difference Between Audit and Research

February 2023 · 3 minute read

Audit vs Research

Audit and Research are quite similar to one another in terms of procedures that are used to collect data, analysis of data, approach to methodologies used, and data interpretation. However, there are a number of factors that differentiate what is known as audit and what is known as research. The following article offers a clear explanation of audit and research and highlights the many differences between the two.

What is Audit?

An audit is the process used when determining whether a specific task is being carried out in the correct manner and whether the proper rules, guidelines, and practices are being followed. An audit is a systematic method used to review various tasks, processes and procedures to ensure that these tasks are being carried out in the manner that they should and to discover avenues for improvement. Audits require a measure against a set of standards, rules and guidelines which show through comparison whether the set objectives and standards are being met. Audits are designed at fine tuning a task, and used to test the quality and the standards that are followed.

What is Research?

Research evaluates what is currently being done, what has been done earlier by past scholars, and is the conduct of additional experimentation and investigation to contribute to an already established body of knowledge. Research involves a lot of experimentation on new ideas, and review of past materials to understand gaps in knowledge in the existing materials, methods or procedures. Once these gaps in knowledge have been identified the researcher can conduct additional experimentation and discovery to fill in these gaps. Research is aimed at discovering new things, adding onto knowledge and testing new hypothesis. Research can help establish the best practices to follow by bringing in vast amounts of new knowledge and learning.

Research vs Audit

Audit does not involve the discovery of new tasks or procedures; rather it focuses on evaluating and analyzing the existing ones. On the other hand, research is aimed at developing new procedures and newer and more effective ways of carrying out tasks. The focus on research is invention of new and further development of the old. The aim of an audit is to determine whether the standards and procedures are being followed and whether a task is completed properly. The aim of research is to add onto a body of research and to increase the amount of knowledge and learning available on a specific subject matter. Also, unlike audits that measure tasks and procedures against a set out standard, research aims to test the hypothesis that is established by the researcher when beginning their experiments. Audits check the quality of the task or procedure. Research aims to obtain new knowledge and to fill in any knowledge gaps.

What is the difference between Research and Audit?

• An audit is the process used when determining whether a specific task is being carried out in the correct manner and whether the proper rules, guidelines, and practices are being followed.

• Research evaluates what is currently being done, what has been done earlier by past scholars and is the conduct of additional experimentation and investigation to contribute to an already established body of knowledge.

• Audit does not involve the discovery of new tasks or procedures; rather it focuses on evaluating and analyzing the existing ones. Research, on the other hand, is aimed at developing new procedures and newer and more effective ways of carrying out tasks.
