Difference Between Ataxia and Dysmetria

April 2022 · 4 minute read

What is ataxia and dysmetria?

Ataxia is an unsteady, wobbly, shaky and swaying walk, often with feet placed extensively apart. Individuals find it hard to walk in a straight line with their heels touching the toe of the foot wear in front (the drunk test). Ataxia can happen in a number of neurologic conditions. Dysmetria (a type of ataxia) is making the wrong calculation of the distance to a target.


Both are best described as neurologic conditions.


Ataxia can happen in a number of neurologic conditions. It is the impaired balance or coordination – usually happens because of damage in the central nervous system (brain), nerves or muscles. 


Dysmetria is making an incorrect estimation of the distance to a target. An individual with dysmetria will face issues reaching out and will mostly inaccurately touch a targeted object.

Difference between ataxia and dysmetria?


Ataxia – any type of uncoordinated movement is called ataxia. It is a neurological condition with issues like muscle coordination or control. Individuals with this condition have issues in movement, speech and movement

Dysmetria – a type of cerebellar ataxia













The condition cannot be cured by the doctor as such. However, he can control the symptoms by recommending some treatment options. Doctor may also suggest occupational or physical therapy to help manage the dysmetria condition. Some assistive devices are also recommended like weighted utensil that aids in eating activity. 


The points of difference between Ataxia and Dysmetria have been summarized as below:


Is dysmetria a type of ataxia?

Yes, it is a type of cerebellar ataxia

What are the 3 types of ataxias?

Three types of ataxias include;

What causes dysmetria?

Dysmetria is caused by lesions (abnormal change in the tissue of an organism) in the cerebellum or by lesions in the proprioceptive (also called kinesthesia, is the body’s ability to sense its location, movements, and actions) nerves that result in the cerebellum (located at the back of the brain) that coordinate optical, spatial (space occupying) and other sensory information with motor control.

What does ataxic gait look like?

Ataxic gait is defined as the failure of muscle coordination and is often characterized by uncoordinated walking, difficulty to walk in a straight line, lateral veering (lateral deviation from an intended path), loss of balance or unsteadiness, a widened base of support, motion of the arm that is not consistent, and lack of repeatability. These characteristics are similar to the gait seen under the influence of alcohol.

Is Dysmetria a symptom of Parkinson’s?

Yes, dysmetria (cerebral damage) is a symptom of Parkinson’s. Symptoms of dysmetria can be a sign that you are suffering from a disorder of the brain.
Dysmetria – the incoordination of voluntary muscle movement, is a neurological sign, indicating Parkinson’s. 
