Difference Between Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

April 2022 · 5 minute read

Technology has made life much easier than in the previous century. With each new generation of technical devices, software upgrades have also become significant. Likewise, artificial intelligence and machine learning have begun to dominate the software industry for the benefit of humankind. It is essential to draw distinctions between them.

Artificial Intelligence vs Machine Learning

The main difference between Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning is that the former is a type of machine language to further the technological component while the latter is a simple course that allows a deeper understanding of the world of machines. They stem from the same subject of computing but are methodically different.

Artificial Intelligence is also abbreviated as AI. It is a complicated method of providing human attributes to machines. There are numerous applications of the same in daily lives and the engineers and computing experts are making repetitive attempts to bring a revolution using the same. It uses all types of inputs.

Machine Learning is also abbreviated as ML. It is another brank of applied computing that lays down its whole emphasis on algorithms and statistical methods of interpreting large chunks of information. Various courses are available in the market and enhancing the skill helps in ease of technological access at large.

Comparison Table Between Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

Parameters of ComparisonArtificial IntelligenceMachine Learning
DefinitionArtificial Intelligence can be defined as smart work done by a system to make up for the intelligence deficit faced by mechanical systems.Machine Learning is a simpler term that implies the process through which a system imbibes ways to serve more accurate data.
Main Purpose of IncorporationIt helps in decision-making when humans are unavailable to reason out possibilities.It helps in enhancing the knowledge base of the digital system for future access.
Common Solutions ProvidedArtificial Intelligence provides solutions for human problems.Machine Learning provides solutions for inanimate problems of the digital world.
Processes Involved in PropagationTechnological algorithms and other facets of interpretation are put to use.Statistical methods and memory processors help the machine learn from the user.
Stimuli for LearningArtificial Intelligence requires special inputs for understanding human nature for implementation.Machine Learning uses already fed details for enhancing the functions.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence, as a concept, has been around since 1950. Though it is always seen as a menace leading to the overpowering of the human intellect, it has a particular set of advantages as well. In terms of mechanical interpretation, the principles of artificial intelligence allow people to access desktops and laptops in the same context as smartphones. There are various attributes attached to the same that might require a lot of human intervention in the absence of artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence can be further classified into two broad categories – general artificial intelligence and narrow artificial intelligence. The former branch is closely related to the diverse functions of the technological world, involving multitasking and providing solutions for numerous problems at the same time frame. On the other hand, the narrow version, as the name suggests, is suitable only for tasks involving specifications.

It is best to handle artificial intelligence carefully as misuse might lead to grave consequences that in most cases, go against humanity at large. Artificial Intelligence has various real-life examples like self-driving cars, autocorrect features during typing, maps displaying congested locations, and planes that can be left on auto-pilot mode. Still, human consciousness cannot be replaced by AI.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine Learning can be interpreted as a distinct subset of technological advancements, never intersecting with artificial intelligence in the digital arena. With the advent of the metaverse and other related programs, the importance of machine learning has skyrocketed. It was first brought to light in 1959 through IBM. Ever since its incorporation, this field has undergone uncountable changes, for the better of humanity.

Machine Learning, though a type of artificial intelligence put to use, is quite independent of other variables. The machine uses the data fed into the system to understand the standard operating procedure. In other words, instead of working on set patterns, the machine modifies the routes to reach conclusions as per the human intellect. It does not replace the need for mechanical work but tries to improve the technological spirit on the same lines.

Machine Learning is also referred to as the lesson learned from existing data, to manipulate future data. For instance, this principle is put to use when a person searches for a product on the web and then receives similar or closely related advertisements for some days. The uses of machine learning include detection of cyber frauds, suggestions of pages to follow, etc.

Main Differences Between Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

  • Artificial Intelligence is defined as technologically-cultivated intellect. On the other hand, machine learning is defined as the conscious handling of digital data by a new system based on past experiences.
  • The main purpose of artificial intelligence is to solve problems that require human interventions while machine learning does not work beyond the scope of digital analytics.
  • The process of decision making is enhanced by artificial intelligence methods, whereas the knowledge base for interpretative purposes is expanded in the realm of machine learning.
  • AI relies only on algorithms while ML includes statistics and memorization too.
  • AI needs novel stimuli while ML can easily function well in the presence of pre-existing data.
  • Conclusion

    The professions available in this field include that of a software engineer, coder, ethical hacker, and game developer. These fields have got greater accreditation thanks to the increase in demand. With the smartphone becoming a necessity, voice searches have also put artificial intelligence to better use.

    With the privileges, a lot of risks arise with the use of machine learning as well as artificial intelligence. Machine learning and artificial intelligence help web developers increase the scope of their creations. On the contrary, fears of joblessness are on the rise as the chances of overpowering human labor are on the higher side.


  • https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-62368-2
  • https://www.mdpi.com/613200
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