Difference Between Areolar Tissue and Adipose Tissue

January 2023 · 4 minute read

Main Difference

The main difference between Areolar Tissue and Adipose Tissue is that Areolar Tissue is made up of mast cells, fibroblasts, plasma cells, and macrophages and Adipose Tissue is made up of the adipocytes.

Areolar Tissue vs. Adipose Tissue

Areolar tissue is composed of mast cells, fibroblasts, plasma cells, and macrophages; on the other hand, Adipose tissue is composed of adipocytes. Areolar tissue is located Beneath epithelia, between skin and muscles, in bone marrow around nerves and blood vessels, whereas Adipose tissue is located beneath skin, around kidneys and intestine. Areolar tissue has irregularly arranged fibers, on the other hand Adipose tissue have fat globules in large vacuoles. Areolar tissue repairs the tissue, whereas Adipose tissue acts as a fat reservoir. Areolar tissue supports the organ, on the other hand, Adipose tissue acts as an insulator of heat.

Comparison Chart

Areolar TissueAdipose Tissue
Areolar tissue is a form of loose connective tissue which is formed of mast cells, fibroblasts, plasma cells, and macrophages.Adipose tissue is a form of fatty connective tissue which is formed of adipocytes.
Beneath the Epithelia, Between skin and muscles, Around blood vessels, Nerves, In Bone MarrowBeneath the skin, Around the kidneys, Around intestine
A gelatinous matrix containing cells and irregularly arranged fibersFat globules in the large vacuole of central cells
Repair of tissue, Fills space in internal organs, Support organs, Binds skin with muscle beneath itAct as Fat reservoir, Act as an insulator of heat, Act as a cushion between internal organs and protect them

What is Areolar Tissue?

Areolar tissue consists of different types of cells and is the most common form of loose connective tissue. Areolar tissue is found in a different location in the body. Areolar tissue is the dermis and subcutaneous layers of skin, and in the skin, it performs the function of binding the outer skin layer to muscle layer beneath it. Other locations of the body where Areolar tissue is found are blood vessels, nerves, mucous membranes, and organs of the body. Areolar tissue is composed of the gelatinous matrix of the cells and irregularly arranged fibers. The cells which are present in the Areolar tissue are cells of elastic and reticular fibers. Those fibers which form the mesh network of Areolar tissue are collagen, elastic, and reticular fibers. The cells which are embedded in the Areolar tissue are plasma cells, fibroblasts, macrophages, adipocytes, and mast cells. All these cells are embedded in semi-fluid ground substance. Areolar tissue connective tissue links different organs enabling movement between adjacent body parts. The space in the internal organs is filled by the Areolar tissue, and Areolar tissue supports internal organs. Areolar tissue helps in repairing the tissues. Areolar tissue plays a role in providing elasticity, support, and strength.

What is Adipose Tissue?

Adipose tissue is also called Fat, and it is composed of adipocytes. Adipose tissue is also composed of stromal vascular fractions, including cells like vascular endothelial cells, preadipocytes, fibroblasts, and adipose tissue macrophages. The main role of the Adipose tissue is to store energy in the form of lipids. Adipose tissue cushions and insulates the body. Adipose tissue is also recognized as the major endocrine organ because of the production of hormones like leptin, estrogen, resistin, and cytokine. Adipose tissue is of two types, and these types are white and brown adipose tissue. White adipose tissue stores energy — brown adipose tissue produces body heat. The adipose gene controls the formation of adipose tissue. Adipose tissue in humans is located underneath the skin, around internal organs, in bone marrow, intermuscular region and in breasts tissue. The specific locations where adipose tissue is present is called the adipose depots. The other types of cells present in adipose tissue are collectively called the stromal vascular fraction of the cell and include preadipocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and adipose macrophages. Many small blood vessels are present in adipose tissue. In the integumentary system, adipose tissue is at the deepest level and provides insulation from heat and cold. Adipose tissue provides protective padding around organs. Adipose depots have different biochemical profiles, and under normal conditions, they provide feedback about hunger and diet to the brain.

Key Differences

  • Areolar tissue is made up of mast cells, fibroblasts, plasma cells, and macrophages, on the other hand, Adipose tissue is made up of
  • Areolar tissue is found Beneath epithelia, between skin and muscles, in bone marrow around nerves and blood vessels whereas Adipose tissue is found beneath the skin, around kidneys and intestine Areolar tissue Adipose tissue
  • Areolar tissue contains irregularly arranged fibers; on the other hand, Adipose tissue contains fat globules in large vacuoles.
  • Areolar tissue plays a role in repairing the tissue, whereas Adipose tissue plays a role in the fat reservoir.
  • Areolar tissue supports the internal organs by filling space in them on the other hand, Adipose tissue cushions between internal organs and protects them.
  • Conclusion

    The main conclusion of the above discussion is that Areolar tissue and Adipose tissue are types of loose connective tissue and are made of different types of cells and play different roles.
