Difference Between Arabica and Colombian Coffee

September 2022 · 3 minute read

Arabica vs Colombian Coffee

Like the cultivars of many crops, coffee also has many different species and lines of cultivation. There are more than 50 different species of coffee plant, and only 10 are utilized for commercial purposes. One of the most popular out of these is the Coffee Arabica. Coffee Arabica has many subvarieties.

The Arabica and the Colombian coffees are not very different from each other. The Colombian coffee is a form of Arabica coffee. Colombian coffee is also called “Washed Arabica.”

Arabica Coffee

Coffee is produced in many countries. The Arabica coffee has descended from Arabia, and hence the name “Arabica.” However, now it is being cultivated in many parts of the world. Colombia has become the major coffee growing region in South America. The coffee grown in this region is considered to be of the finest variety.

The Arabica plant takes about four to five years to bear coffee beans. In Arabia, the plant attains a height close to nine feet while in Colombia it reaches up to a height of four feet. The picking process of coffee beans is a tedious process as all the beans do not ripen simultaneously.

The coffee made out of Arabica beans is thick, dark, and very strong. It is served in small cups which are half filled. The Arabica coffee might be flavored with spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, or saffron. Sugar and milk might be added, but they are optional. Arabica coffee needs to be brewed like tea. It is kept warm in a pot and is ready to serve at most times of the day. The intensity of the coffee is determined by the time it brews. If the coffee is kept in the pot for long, the strength of the coffee increases.

Colombian Coffee

Colombian coffee is the highest quality of coffee beans. It is low in caffeine content and acidity. Colombian coffee is a variety of Arabica beans grown exclusively in Colombia. The coffee beans are washed during the process hence this variety is also popularly called “Washed Arabica.” The washing procedure helps in purification and in reducing the acidity of the beans. This gives a richer and stronger aroma to the coffee.

Colombian coffee is considered to be of superior quality. It requires perfect environmental conditions for its growth. The beans are washed to balance the acidity of the beans to give them the ultimate, rich, and smooth taste along with a rich aroma.

Colombian coffee is sold as whole beans. It is freeze-dried, instant coffee.


  • Colombian coffee is a variety of Arabica coffee.
  • Colombian coffee is exclusively grown is Colombia while “Arabica coffee” is a generic term for coffee which originated from Arabia.
  • Colombian coffee is mild while Arabic coffee is stronger.
  • Colombian coffee may be prepared instantly while Arabic coffee has to be brewed before consumption.

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