Difference Between Animal and Plant Protein

October 2022 · 3 minute read

Animal vs Plant Protein

It is a well-known fact that animals are great sources of protein for consumption and plants are excellent cradles of vitamin and fibres. However, when someone declares him/herself as a vegetarian, usually the other one would question whether it is possible to fulfill the necessary protein requirements by consuming only vegetables. Therefore, it would be interesting to know if both vegetarians and non-vegetarians have a similar chance of being nourished with the essential amino acids. Hence, it is important to be aware of the properties of both plant and animal proteins, and this article concisely reviews the two types. It is important to notice that proteins and their effects are similar despite the fact that they come from different sources, but other constituents available in those sources vary from each other.

Animal Protein

Animal protein is simply the protein that comes from animals. All the carnivores and most of the omnivores consume animal proteins to fulfill their nutrient supplements. One of the interesting and important facts about animal proteins is that those contain all the essential amino acids necessary for the consumers. Humans, as an example, do have to be dependent on external food sources to fulfill their nutrient requirements and especially to have some amino acids to develop certain proteins, enzymes, and hormones. Since animal proteins are a complete set of proteins with such essential amino acids, humans being omnivorous could be justifiable in terms of their nutrient requirements. However, there are many other things come along with animal proteins to your diet including the notorious cholesterol. In fact, the amount of saturated fatty acids is high in animal proteins. The specialist nutritionists do not recommend a high consumption of animal proteins; they especially recommend some restrictions on red meat and prohibition on processed meat due to the risk of cancers in the alimentary canal. Therefore, everyone should be aware of the possible problems related with the delicious dishes of meat, despite enriched proteins are complete in animal proteins.

Plant Protein

Plant proteins are simply the proteins that come from plants. Although, until some recent findings, it was believed that plants do not contain all the essential amino acids. However, that ideology is gone, and it is a proven fact that plants contain all the essential amino acids. Most of the plant products of the Family: Leguminosae such as Dahl, Beans, and Soya are rich in proteins. The risk of elevating the levels of cholesterols because of plant proteins is much less and almost zero. On top of that, some research studies have proven that the consumption of soya protein in place of animal protein reduces the LDL cholesterols significantly; almost 13% reduction of LDL has been observed via replacing 50 grams of meat by soya protein a day. In addition, the presence of vitamins and other minerals along with the carbohydrates provide a great balance of nutrients in plant protein packages. The only problem with the plant protein sources would be that not all proteins are contained in one product but in many types of plants. Therefore, many types of plant proteins should be consumed in order to fulfill the essential amino acids in the diet.

What is the difference between Animal and Plant Protein ?

• Usually, one piece of meat (animal protein) contains all the essential amino acids, whereas many types of plants collectively contain those all amino acids.

• Both animal and plant proteins come in packages, but animal proteins contain some unhealthy fats while plant proteins contain vitamins and other healthy nutrients.

• Animal proteins are usually more expensive than plant proteins are.

• Animal proteins are tastier than plant proteins are.

• Plant proteins are healthier than animal proteins are.
