Difference Between Animal and Human

January 2023 · 3 minute read

Animal vs Human

The mostly valued, developed, evolved, intelligent, lovable, destructive, invaded…etc species among all the members of the animal kingdom is the human. Since, human evolved last on this Earth, it was other animals to start their journey prior to man. We, humans are just another kind of animals; thus, there are so many things we share with animals drawing million points to discuss with respect to differences and similarities. However, human being another kind of animals, the uniqueness becomes predominant.


Animals are of many types and most importantly, they are of millions of species. Morphologically, physiologically they are very different from humans. Animals are of great variety among themselves in terms of their external appearance. There are animals with and without limbs, wings, eyes…etc. Their body sizes can vary from a tiny little unicellular animal to a giant blue whale or an elephant. Animals have naturally conquered every ecosystem in the world showing wonderful adaptations to each respective habitat, anatomically, physiologically, and sometimes mentally. Animals have been able to survive through all the eras came by after their appearance on the Earth. The Earth is an ever changing place when it is viewed from the geological timescale with, floods, droughts, cold, heat, atmosphere, sunlight, and all the other environmental factors emerged and dominated in different times. According to the situations; some animals had to evolve and adapted for their survival, but others died and became extinct. According to Grandin and Jonhson (2005), animals have pure and simple emotions and they do not hate or love to each other. Animals have been gone through many different mass extinctions and geographical eras and survive today despite their less developed brain, lower level of evolution (comparatively), and umpteen differences in their morphology, anatomy, and physiology.


Humans (Homo sapiens) are considered to be the most evolved species of animal species. Humans’ physiology and morphology are quite different from other animals. Despite their uniqueness among all the animals, humans are different among themselves with regard to the desires, habits, ideas, skills…etc. The humans are remarkable in their ability to understand, explain, and utilize the environment with respect to science, philosophy, and religion. The humans are social animals with strong relationships among them. Modern man is of mainly three types; Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid. Usually an average healthy adult human weighs about 50 to 80 kilograms while the height could vary within 1.5 and 1.8 metres. An unhealthy or an unusual man would break those limits. The life expectancy at birth for humans averages around 67 years. Although, humans were the last to evolve, according to many scientists, they have not faced any of the major climatic or geographical changes those took place on Earth. Therefore, it is too soon to believe that the humans would survive any of the mass extinctions in future.

What is the difference between Animal and Human?

The differences between human and animal are obvious with the morphology and physiology. One of the most contrasting differences is the approach for a goal. The goal may be either feeding or breeding. In most cases among animals, the physical strength seems to be playing a big role, whereas in humans it is the mental strength. However, Lemonick et al., (1994) states that there are no single essential difference separates human beings from other animals. Nevertheless, the obvious differences in using complex languages, technology, and many other things make a huge distinction between human and animals.
