Difference Between Alsatian and German Shepherd

March 2023 · 5 minute read

The dog is one of the most popular pet animals. But people often get confused about the kinds of dogs. The Alsatian and German shepherd are two different dogs in the same breed. The dogs were used in the military since world war. The Alsatian and German shepherd are two energetic dogs used for the military.

Alsatian vs German Shepherd

The main difference between Alsatian and German Shepherd is their names. They both are the same dogs but have different names due to their origins. The alsatian is also called a german shepherd, and the german shepherd is also called an alsatian. They have a different history of origin though. The german shepherd is originated between 1930-35, and the alsatian is originated between 1685-95.

The Alsatian is a German shepherd dog. The British had problems with the name, so they changed the name from German shepherd to Alsatian.
It is a well-trained dog, and after the world war, the British also changed the name of the Alsatian to a German shepherd. Alsatian is versatile and has an excellent brain. It is considered a great pet for a family. Alsatian is a highly intelligent dog. Alsatian has nine to thirteen years of lifespan.

The German shepherd is a large-medium dog. It is called a German police dog. The German shepherd is an intelligent and obedient dog. It acts as a protector and can work heavily. German shepherds are active dogs. Berger Allemand, Deutscher Schaferhund are the other names of a German shepherd. It has double-coated skin with different colors. The German shepherd is weighed up to 40 kg. The litter size of a German shepherd is four to nine.

Comparison Table Between Alsatian and German Shepherd

Parameters of ComparisonAlsatianGerman Shepherd
DefinitionThe Alsatian is a large breed dog for police work.The German shepherd is a large-medium dog
SynonymsAlsatian is also called a large dog.German dog is also called German police dog
HistoryAlsatian originated in 1700.German shepherd originated from the 19th century.
Word originAlsatian word is originated between 1685-95.German shepherd word is originated between 1930-35.
AdvantagesPlayful and intelligent
Beautiful creatures
Easily kept away from poor performance.
Low maintenance
Easy training
Great watchdog ability
DisadvantagesStruggle with being left alone
Difficulty early period
Routine to exercise
Longline health issues

What is Alsatian?

Alsatian has many colors with double coated. The kernel club rejected the dogs in blues, livers, albinos, and white colors. It has different heights. It is slightly long and short varieties. It has two coats called an outer coat and an undercoat. The tails are curved when they are at rest. The tails are obvious when they are active. The lifespan of Alsatian is nine up to thirteen years. The alsatian is mainly used for herding the sheep.

Alsatian has a unique physique depend on the working environments. It is used in the military and police for its intelligence. It has outstanding performance for its intelligence and alertness. It needs time to spend with it by owners. Alsatians are needed the care to adopt nature. They are a fast learner and adopt the training as soon as possible. They have dominant obedient behavior. It needs a balanced approach for the training process.

Alsatian is used as a watchdog has a wolf-like look. It acts provincial which makes fear in people visiting home. It enjoys when the home has a large garden to play in. It always needs company. If you keep alone the dogs at home, it goes to depression. The health issues Alsatians face are Pituitary Dwarfism, Anal Furunculosis, Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency, Degenerative Myelopathy Or CDRM, and Panosteitis.

What is German Shepherd?

The German shepherd is a large-medium-sized dog. It has a standard height of 60-65 cm for males and 55-60 for female dogs. The German Shepherd is called an Alsatian wolf dog until 1977. After the world war, the name changed to German Shepherd. The origin of the German Shepherd dated back to 1899. The German Shepherd has a wolf-like appearance. It is a modern breed of dogs.

German Shepherd is working dogs. It is mainly used for herding sheep. It is used for military and police work for its intelligence, obedience, strength, and trainability. It is also used in rescue, disability assistance. In American Kernal Club the German shepherd is the third most registered dog. In 2016, the German Shepherd are the seventh most registered dog in Kernal Club in the united kingdom.

The skin of the German Shepherd has a double coat that makes its skin hairy and dense. It has long hair because of genetic reasons. It has varieties based on the length of hair. The long hair German shepherds are making as a standard dogs in American Kernal Club. The short-haired German Shepherd is marked in other varieties. It is used in many films and has media exposure.

Main Differences Between Alsatian and German Shepherd

  • The Alsatian is a large breed dog for police work, and the German shepherd is an large-medium dog.
  • Alsatian is also called a large dog, and a German dog is also called a German police dog.
  • Alsatian originated in 1700, and German shepherd originated in the 19th century.
  • Alsatian word is originated between 1685-95, and the German shepherd word is originated between 1930-35.
  • Alsatian has the advantage of being Playful and intelligent, and German Shepherd has the advantage of low maintenance.
  • Conclusion

    Alsatian and German Shepherd are the same dogs with different origins and names. The name confuses the people. German Shepherd is the most popular dog breed. You need to spend more time with these dogs for their better health performance. It always needed care and love. These dogs have come under the purebred type with high intelligence. The Alsatian is originated in the united states, and the German Shepherd is originated in Germany. Alsatian has a speed of 28mph, and the German Shepherd has 30mph.


  • https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1046/j.1439-0264.1999.00202.x
  • https://anatomypubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/ar.a.10052
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