Difference Between Allyl and Vinyl

January 2023 · 3 minute read

Both allyl and vinyl groups have slightly similar structures with a small variation. ... The key difference between these two structural components is the number of carbon and hydrogen atoms. Allyl groups have three carbon atoms and five hydrogen atoms whereas vinyl groups have two carbon atoms and three hydrogen atoms.

What is allyl and vinyl?

Allyl and vinyl are two different organic functional groups. Both have C-C double bonds but in different positions. In vinyl group, C=C is directly attached to the rest of the chain. In contrast to vinyl, allyl group is attached to the rest of the molecule through –CH2 group.

What is allylic and vinylic position?

The positions adjacent to alkene C=C often show enhanced reactivity compared to simple alkanes due to the proximity of the adjacent π system. Such positions are referred as "allylic". In contrast, recall that the term "vinylic" is used to described the atoms directly associated with the C=C unit.

Which is more stable allylic or vinylic?

The short answer is Allyl carbonation is more stable than Vinyl carbocation bacuse Allyl carbocation is resonance stabilised where as in case of vinyl carbocation, the positive charge on sp hybridized carbon, which is highly unstable.

What does allyl mean?

Medical Definition of allyl

: an unsaturated monovalent radical C3H5 compounds of which are found in the oils of garlic and mustard. Other Words from allyl. allylic \ ə-​ˈlil-​ik, a-​ \ adjective.

What is vinyl position?

Vinylic position: On, or bonded to, the carbon of an alkene. This molecule has four vinylic positions, each marked with *. Lewis structure of vinyl chloride, a vinylic halide. Related terms: Vinyl group, vinylic hydrogen, vinylic carbocation, allylic position, benzylic position, propargylic position. Wikipedia entry.

How is a vinyl group formed?

In chemistry, vinyl or ethenyl (abbreviated as Vi) is the functional group with the formula −CH=CH2. It is the ethylene (IUPAC ethene) molecule (H2C=CH2) with one fewer hydrogen atom. The name is also used for any compound containing that group, namely R−CH=CH2 where R is any other group of atoms.

What are allylic positions?

Allylic position: In a molecule, the position next to an alkene. The allylic positions are labeled with asterisks. Allyl chloride. Related terms: Allyl group, benzylic position, propargylic position, vinylic position, alkene.

Why is Vinylic Carbocation unstable?

The instability derives from the inability of that p orbital to overlap with the the sp2 orbitals of the carbon on the other end of the double bond. The bond angles of that carbon are too large (120*) and their highly electronegative nature prevent stabilization of the cationic center.

What is a vinyl radical?

Noun. 1. vinyl radical - a univalent chemical radical derived from ethylene. vinyl, vinyl group. chemical group, radical, group - (chemistry) two or more atoms bound together as a single unit and forming part of a molecule.

Which allylic carbocation is the most stable?

Solution : Due to maximum number of hyperconjugation and delocalisation.

Which is the most stable carbocation?

Therefore CH3⊕CH2 is the most stable carbocation from among the given carbocations.

What makes a Carbocation most stable?

Carbocations Are Stabilized By Neighboring Carbon-Carbon Multiple Bonds. Carbocations adjacent to another carbon-carbon double or triple bond have special stability because overlap between the empty p orbital of the carbocation with the p orbitals of the π bond allows for charge to be shared between multiple atoms.
