Difference Between Allegory and Symbolism

August 2022 · 5 minute read

Allegory is a narrative style of using symbols. However, it is not the same as symbolism. Their definitions are different and so are their specific applications.

In both cases, the two styles are used for concealing some hidden meaning, truth, or lesson. In typical applications, they have been used to relay moral or political lessons and in a big way bringing out the evils in the society as well as the government. How each consumer interprets the application of each is what brings out the major differences between allegory and symbolism.

What is an Allegory?

The word allegory comes from the Greek language and means “to speak in another way.” It can, therefore, be defined as an image, story, or poem that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, moral, or truth. An allegory, in this case, requires deeper analysis as well as interpretation to get the exact lesson in a piece of work either for education or sensitization purposes.

An allegory can also be considered as a ‘moral of a story.’ It is an exciting application and can use either events or characters to send the hidden messages across. Its basic characteristic is that it does not reveal the moral of the story applied in it and would require the readers to deduce it.

An allegory is a bit more specific and limited. It uses a one-to-one symbolic function to tell a story and leave the interpretation to the user. It can, therefore, use a place, event, or character to convey the message as it is in the Pilgrim’s Progress allegory (an allegory of the spiritual journey).

The major types of allegories are:

  • Classical allegory
  • Medieval allegory
  • Modern allegory
  • Biblical allegory.
  • Characteristics of an Allegory

    An allegory:

    What is Symbolism?

    Symbolism, as a word, has a Geek root and means “to throw together” in Greek. As the word suggests, it is a literal style of using symbols to send abstract ideas and qualities across. Depending on the usage, a word, place, object, person, or action can have a symbolic meaning. Therefore, the creator, artist, or author can use such workpieces to hint a certain mood or emotion in their work rather than saying it blatantly.

    The major types of symbolism include:

    Characteristics of Symbolism

    For symbolism to be considered of central relevance, it must have:

  • Semantic distance
  • Familiarity
  • Concreteness
  • Complexity
  • Meaningfulness
  • Difference Between Allegory and Symbolism

    The striking differences include:


    An allegory is a narrative style that uses an image, story, or poem to send a moral lesson or message. It can use a place, event, or character to convey the message to the consumer.

    Symbolism, on the other hand, is a literal device that uses an object, word, place, action, or person to represent an abstract idea rather than giving it out blatantly. If a writer in a poem, for example, wants to represent a certain emotion or mood, they can use symbolism to give a hint of it.


    An allegory is categorized as a narrative while symbolism is categorized as a literary device.


    Examples of allegory include:

    The examples of symbolism include:

    Interconnection Between Allegory and Symbolism

    Allegory uses symbolism while symbolism adds an allegorical meaning to the texts in which it is used.

    Allegory Vs. Symbolism: Comparison Table

    Summary of Allegory Vs. Symbolism

    An allegory and symbolism are interrelated in that they perform almost the same purposes. Also, as indicated, an allegory uses symbolism while symbolism applies allegory to give meaning to texts. However, each is distinct in its way in that, for example, an allegory is categorized as a narrative while symbolism is a literary device.

