Difference between Affect and Effect

February 2023 · 3 minute read
Key difference: The main difference between “affect” and “effect,” is the fact that in most cases “affect” is used as a verb, whereas, “effect” is used as a noun. “Affect” means to have an influence on something. “Effect,” on the other hand, denotes a result, it is a consequence.

The main difference between “affect” and “effect,” is the fact that in most cases “affect” is used as a verb, whereas, “effect” is used as a noun. “Affect” means to have an influence on something. For example: The rain affected the clothes; as in the rain made the clothes wet. “Effect,” on the other hand, denotes a result, it is a consequence. For example: The rain had an effect on the clothes and it wasn’t pleasant; the effect was that the clothes were wet.

A way to distinguish this is that “affect” is a verb; hence it is from the subject’s point of view. The rain affected the clothes; as in the rain made the clothes wet. It is from the point of view of the rain; the rain made the clothes wet. “Effect,” as a noun is usually from the objects point of view. The rain had an effect on the clothes and it wasn’t pleasant; the effect was that the clothes were wet. This is from the point of view of the clothes; sthe clothes got wet because of the rain.

Dictionary.com defines ‘affect’ as:

Dictionary.com defines ‘effect’ as:

Another way to distinguish is so check the word’s synonyms. If the synonyms fit in to the sentence, then the use of ‘affect’ and ‘effect’ is probably correct.

Synonyms of ‘affect’:

To act on, to move, influence, sway, modify, alter, touch, stir, change, disturb, induce, involve, transform, simulate, take on.

Examples of ‘affect’:

Synonyms of ‘effect’:

Result, consequence, reaction, outcome, issue, something produced by an action or a cause, aftereffect, aftermath, backlash, backwash, chain reaction, conclusion, development, end product, event.

Examples of ‘effect’:
