Difference Between ACL and MCL

June 2023 · 3 minute read


Our body is made up of bones, joints, and cartilages. These are the parts that give us the ability to stand, move, and function. The human body consists of thousands of parts working together to perform as one. Even the slightest movement entails the work of many components, some of which are vital and should be always kept away from injury.

Let us first know our anatomy. Bones are connective tissues made up of specialized cells that harden and calcify. These then form our backbone or structural framework. Our bones act largely as support, protection, and production area for blood cells. Without our bones, we would not be able to move and walk, much less, stand up.

Cartilages are a form of connective tissues in our body that are flexible enough and important for growth and development. It is not as strong and hard as bones, but it is more flexible and able to bend. We also have our joints. These are the areas wherein two bones meet each other. The bones do not come in contact with each other, but rather, are able to slide and move due to the presence of fluids and ligaments. And these areas are likely to get injured.

Now let’s continue. Athletes are very prone to injuries in the bones, joints, or cartilages. They are in a profession that constantly requires their body to be in tiptop shape and perform at a higher level than that of an ordinary person. They practice day and night, doing routines that allow their body to familiarize the movements that they are doing and strengthen it. All athletes go into rigorous training. They constantly expose their bodies to the limits, and make sure that they are of superb condition during game time. However, no matter how they make their muscles stronger, they could never change the fact that the weakest link for them would be their joints, cartilages, and areas around it. Among athletes, the most common and devastating are the injuries to the ACL or MCL of the knees.

The ACL or anterior cruciate ligament is found in the front portion of the knee, connecting the thigh bone (femur) and leg bone (tibia). The sudden straightening of the knee beyond normal can cause injury to this part. On the other hand, a MCL (medial collateral ligament) is located the inner side of the knee. Damage usually occurs when the knee is bent awkwardly sideways.

This is the main difference between the two. You can read further about this since only basic details are provided.


1. The bones connect each other through the joints supported by different muscles and ligaments.

2. The anterior cruciate ligament is found in the front portion of the knee and can be damaged by a sudden hyperextension or straightening of the knee.

3. The medial collateral ligament is located at the inner side of the knee and can be injured when the knees are bent sideways.
