8 Remarkable Difference between Heat and Temperature

March 2022 · 3 minute read

What is the difference between heat and temperature?

Heat and temperature are commonly used terms in science. Besides that, these terms have wide usage in day to day life.

The main difference between temperature and heat is that temperature is the degree of hotness and coldness of a body whereas heat is a form of energy that can transfer from hot body to cold body.

The article provides detailed insight into the difference between heat and temperature for class 7. We have used both the comparison chart and video to make things quite easier.

Read More: Difference between Potential and Kinetic Energy 

difference between heat and temperature

What Is Heat?

Heat is the amount of energy that enhances molecular movement within an object. The form of energy that is transmitted from one object to another due to temperature gradient.

The international system of a unit of heat is calorie or joules. The heat normally takes place in three ways such as:

  • Conduction is the heat transfer between molecules that are in direct contact with each other without the movement of particles.
  • Convection is the transfer of heat due to the movement of particles from one place to another.
  • Radiation is the transfer of heat through a vacuum where space within is not heated up.
  • What Is Temperature?

    Temperature is the measure of thermal energy or average heat of the molecules in a substance. The international system of unit is Kelvin.

    The temperature of a substance does not rely on the size and type of the molecules in a substance. It helps to determine whether something is hot or cold.

    The thermometer is an instrument used to gauge the temperature of an object. Other units for measuring temperature are degrees, Celsius and Fahrenheit.

    Comparison Chart: Heat Vs Temperature

    Basic TermsHeatTemperature
    MeaningIs the total amount of energy in molecular motion inside an objectIs the measure of thermal energy or average heat within an object molecules
    SI UnitJouleKelvin
    Other unitsCaloriesFahrenheit, Celsius
    Instrument for MeasurementCalorimeterThermometer
    PropertyFlows from hotter object to cooler object.Rises when heated and falls when cooled
    Working abilityYesNo
    MeasuresTotal kinetic and potential energy contained by molecules in an object.The average kinetic energy of molecules in a substance.

    Main Difference between Heat and Temperature

  • Heat is a form of energy that can be transferred from hot body to cold body whereas temperature is the degree of hotness and coldness of an object.
  • Heat is the total kinetic and potential energy obtained from molecules of an object while the temperature is the average kinetic energy of molecules in a substance.
  • Heat flows from hot body to cold body whereas temperature rises when heated and fall when cooled.
  • The international system of a unit of heat is joule while the temperature is Kelvin
  • The heat has workability while temperature does not
  • The device used to measure heat is calorimeter while the temperature is a thermometer
  • Heat is represented as ‘Q’ while temperature as ‘T’
  • Other units of measure temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit while heat is a calorie.
  • Comparison Video


    Both heat and temperature work together to enhance energy flow from hotter bodies to cooler bodies. They are also terms typically used in thermodynamics.

    The core difference between heat and temperature is that heat is the gauge by use of calorimeter while temperature thermometer.

    More Sources and References 
