8 Key Difference between Animal Fats and Plant Fats (Oils) with Examples

July 2022 ยท 2 minute read

What is the difference between animal fats and plant oils?

Lipids are described as fats, oils, and wax. The bio-macromolecules are esters of fatty acids and glycerol. The diversity of fats varies in physical, chemical, and structural.

The core difference between animal and plant fats is that animal fats are rich in saturated fatty acids while plant fats are rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

Difference between Animal Fats and Plant Fats (Oils)

Animal Fats Definition

Animal fats are saturated fatty acids which tend to remain solid at room temperature. The fats are stored in the liver and beneath the skin. Examples of animal fats are butterfat and beef fat.

Plant Fats Definition

Plant fats are unsaturated fatty acids that tend to remain liquid at room temperature. The plant fats are stored in the fruits and seeds. Examples of plant fats are sunflower oil, coconut oil, and olive oil.

Comparison Table: Animal Fats Vs Plant Fats (Oils)

Basic TermsAnimal FatsPlant Fats
ExamplesButterfat and beef fatCoconut oil, sunflower oil, and olive oil
Saturated or unsaturatedSaturatedUnsaturated
Room temperatureSolidLiquid
Iodine numberRelatively lessComparatively more
Reichert meissl NumberRelatively higherRelatively lower
Oxidative rancidityMoreLess
StorageLiver and beneath the skinFruits and seeds
Specialized cellsAdipocytesLack of specializing cells

Core Difference between Plant and Animal Oils in Point Form

  • Animal fats are saturated fatty acids while plant fats are unsaturated fatty acids
  • Examples of animal fats are butter and beef fats while plant fats are coconut oil and olive oil
  • Animal fats are solid at room temperature while plant fats are liquid at room temperature
  • Iodine number of plant fats is higher than those of animal fats
  • Oxidative rancidity of animals fats is relatively high while that of plant fats is relatively less
  • Plant fats are stored in fruits and seeds while animal fats are stored in the liver and beneath the skin
  • The Reichert meissl number of animal fats is higher than that of plant fats
  • Animal fats are stored by specialized cells known as adipocytes which are absent in plants.
  • Similarities between Animal and Plant Fats (Oils)

  • Both are food reserved in cells
  • Both occur as saturated and unsaturated
  • Both exhibit the same physical and chemical character
  • Both are triglycerides
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    The core difference between fats and oils is that fats are solid at room temperature while oils are liquid at room temperature. Examples of fats are beef and butter while those of oils are coconut oil, olive oil, and sunflower oil
