8 Difference Between Dwarf And Midget

May 2023 · 5 minute read

Who is a Dwarf?

Dwarf refers to a person with one of the several varieties of a specific genetic condition called dwarfism. A dwarf is an unusually small person (less than 147 centimeters tall) with disproportionate body parts. Regardless of sex; the average adult height among people with dwarfism is 122 centimeters (4 ft 0 inch), although some individuals with dwarfism are slightly taller.

Dwarfism is the result of a variety of genetic disorder and it affects people, animals and plants. People with dwarfism can suffer bone and joint problems, disoriented growth of some organs as well as nerve compression. The term dwarf is also used in fiction/fantasy writing to refer to a small person with magic ability.

Intelligence is usually normal and most have a nearly normal life expectancy. People with dwarfism can usually bear children, although there are additional risks to mother and child, dependent upon the underlying condition.

There are two types of dwarfism:

  • Proportionate dwarfism
  • Disproportionate dwarfism
  • Proportionate dwarfism

    Proportionate dwarfism results from medical conditions present at birth or appearing in early childhood that limit overall growth and development. So the head, trunk and limbs are all small, but they’re proportionate to each other. Because these disorders affect overall growth, many of them result in poor development of one or more body systems.

    Growth hormone deficiency is a relatively common cause of proportionate dwarfism. It occurs when the pituitary gland fails to produce an adequate supply of growth hormone, which is essential for normal childhood growth.

    Disproportionate dwarfism

    Most people with dwarfism have disorders that cause disproportionately short stature. Usually, this means that a person has an average-size trunk and very short limbs, but some people may have a very short trunk and shortened (but disproportionately large) limbs. In these disorders, the head is disproportionately large compared with the body.

    Almost all people with disproportionate dwarfism have normal intellectual capacities. Rare exceptions are usually the result of a secondary factor, such as excess fluid around the brain (hydrocephalus).

    Who is a Midget?

    A midget is a person of very small stature whose bodily proportions, intelligence and sexual development are within the normal range. While not a medical term, it has been applied to persons of unusually short stature, often with dwarfism, particularly proportionate dwarfism.

    Diminutive stature occurs sporadically in families, the rest of whose members are of ordinary size. The children of midgets are usually of ordinary height and proportions. The term midget is often considered offensive or pejorative and instead the preferred term is proportionate dwarf or little person.

    Both midgets and dwarfs have to suffer the psychological or social problems with their condition. Social prejudice against their extreme height may reduce their social confidence and opportunities. Sometimes they are mocked and may suffer from low self esteem.  

    The term midget may also refer to anything of much smaller than normal size, as a synonym for ‘’miniature’’ or ‘’mini’’ such as midget cell, midget crabapple, midget flowerpecker, midget submarine, midget mustang airplane or to anything that regularly uses anything that is smaller than normal. However, the term cannot be used for animals and plants.

    Difference Between Dwarf And Midget In Tabular Form

    DescriptionA dwarf is an unusually small person (less than 58 inches tall) with disproportionate body parts  A midget is a person of very small stature whose bodily proportions, intelligence and sexual development are within the normal range.  
    Body PartsA dwarf has disproportionate body parts.  A midget has proportionate body parts.
    ChildrenThe children of dwarf can be of normal height or dwarfs as well.  The children of midget are usually of ordinary height and proportions.  
    ConsiderationDwarfism can be considered as a disability.  Midget cannot be considered as a disability.  
    ApplicabilityDwarfism condition is known to affect humans, animals and plants.  The term midget is only used for humans only. It cannot be used for plants and animals.    
    AffectsAffects both men and women.  Affects both men and women.  
    CauseDwarfism is a condition caused by a genetic disorder.  Midgets usually inherit the condition from parents. It can also be caused by malnutrition.  
    CorrectionDwarfism in human can be corrected through a procedure called limb lengthening surgery.A midget can add more inches to his or her height by taking hormonal supplements and proper nutrition.  

    What You Need To Know About Dwarf

    What You Need To Know About Midget
