7 Differences Between Volts And Amps

June 2022 · 3 minute read

Volt and ampere are two measures of electrical current or flow of electrons. They define characteristics of an electricity supply. Voltage is a measure of the pressure that allows electrons to flow while ampere is a measure of the volume of electrons. These measurements of supply allow us to calculate the power a supply can deliver.


A volt is the unit of electric potential difference or the size of the force that sends the electrons through a circuit. One volt can be describe as the difference in electric potential between two points of a conducting wire when an electric current of one ampere dissipates one watt of power between those points.

What You Need To Know About Volts


An amp is the unit used to measure electric current. Current is a count of the number of electrons flowing through a circuit. One amp is the amount of current produced by a force of one volt acting through the resistance of one ohm.

What You Need To Know About Ampd

Also Read: Difference Between Galvanometer And Ammeter

Differences Between Volts And Amps In Tabular

NamingThe volt is named after the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta.  Amp is named after the French mathematician and physicist Andre-Marie Ampere, who is considered the father of electrodynamics.  
DescriptionVolt is the SI unit of electromotive force and potential differences.  Amp is the SI unit for current.  
SymbolThe symbolic representation of volts is V.  Amp is represented by the symbol A.  
Measurement DeviceThe volt is measured by the voltmeter.  Amp is measured by the ammeter.  
MeasurementVolt measures the force which causes the electrons to flow through the conductor.  Amp measures the rate of flow of electrons.  
Power MeasurementMeasures real power.  Measure apparent power.  
Calculation FormulaVolts are calculated as Joules per Coulomb, V=J/C.  Amps is calculated as Coulombs per seconds, A=C/s  

Also Read: Difference Between Current And Voltage

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