6 Difference Between Primary And Secondary Key

April 2023 · 4 minute read

What Is A Primary Key?

A primary key, also referred to as a primary keyword, is a key in relational database that is unique for each record. It is a unique identifier such as a driver license number, Social security number, telephone number (including area code), or vehicle identification number. A relational database must always have one and only one primary key. A primary key typically appears to be as columns in relational database tables. Primary keys must contain unique values. A primary key column cannot have NULL values. A table can have one primary key, which may consist of single or multiple fields. When multiple fields are used as a primary key, they are referred to as a composite key.

Facts About Primary Key

What Is A Secondary Key?

A secondary key represents a secondary value that is unique for each record that can be used to identify the record. You may have a primary key that is system generated and a secondary key that comes from the source or by some other process. You might have an invoice number that is generated by the system but you have a client specific identifier that is guaranteed unique. This is secondary key.  

In other words, a secondary key provides a secondary reference point for objects whose primary keys do not adequately distinguish them for reference purposes. In the event that a primary key is not enough to distinguish an object, a secondary key can be used to render that object unique. It is processed and sorted in relation to a primary key, clarifying search terms so that only desired results appear when a table is consulted. This creates distinct, cleaner databases.

Facts About Secondary Key

Difference Between Primary Key And Secondary Key In Tabular Form

DescriptionThe attribute that uniquely identifies a row or record in a relation is known as Primary key.A field or combination of fields that is basis for retrieval is known as secondary key (mainly used for finding details from large data).
Use    It uniquely identifies a record in the relational database table.It is used for identification of rows but not usually unique.
NULL ValuesIt does not allow NULL values cannot be deleted from the parent table.  Allows NULL values.
Number Of KeysOnly one primary key is allowed in a table in a table.  We can have multiple secondary key per table.  
ExamplesExamples of primary keys include: Unique last name, Social security number, Online username  Examples of secondary keys include: Street address number, Phone number, Middle name etc  
DeletionCannot be deleted from the parent table.Can be deleted from the parent table.
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