15 Difference Between Google And Google Chrome

June 2023 · 4 minute read

 Google Chrome

Chrome refers to three things: a web browser that google created as an alternative to Microsoft Explorer, an operating system for laptops and extension or apps that can be installed into the chrome browser.

Google chrome dominates the browser market worldwide with a massive 60% share, leaving the rest to other web browser. Chrome has everything you need to make the most of the web, like quick answers in your address bar and one-click translation. It is also easy to use.

What You Need To Know About Google Chrome


Google is a company that makes a search engine that is referred to as google. A search engine is a website that allows you to find other webpages by typing keywords. Google Apps are a suite of web-based messaging and collaboration applications that Google hosts on their own servers. Google provides these applications as a service rather than software to download and install. To access these applications, you simply use a web browser on a computer that’s connected to the internet.

What You Need To Know About Google

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