12 Difference Between Satellite Phone And Cell Phone

April 2022 ยท 4 minute read

Satellite Phone

Cell Phone

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Difference between Satellite Phone and Cell Phone in tabular form  

Alternative nameCan also be referred to as Satphone.  Can also be referred to as terrestrial or cellular phones.  
ConnectivitySatellite phones transmit signals through satellites orbiting the earth.  Cell phone connectivity is dependent upon the terrestrial transmission antenna.    
FunctionalitySatellite phones are manufactured solely for communication purposes but are very useful when there are no or limited signals.    The cell phone functionality is too vast, you can communicate, play games, surf the internet, and listen to music, stream videos and much more.  
NetworkSatellite phones uses satellite network such as Iridium, Inmarsat to dial call or receive call.  Mobile phones use cellular network such as GSM, CDMA, LTE to dial call or receive call.  
UseIt is mainly used in remote terrains such as desert and Polar Regions; and in aviation and maritime communication.  Mainly used areas with cellular network connection such in urban and suburban area.  
ApplicationThey are mainly used for voice and text messages.  Internet services and other advanced features for high data rate applications are already available in cellular network.    
SatelliteSatellite phones are very rare and hence they are expensive when compared to smartphones.  Cell phones are readily available in a wide range of varieties.  
DurabilitySatellite phones are robust and reliable devices that can withstand extreme temperatures, shocks and any kind of extreme conditions.  Cell phones are delicate, cannot withstand extreme temperatures, shocks and any kind of extreme conditions.  
Network InstallationInstallation of Satellite network is complex and requires more resources and time.  Installation of cellular network is easy and requires less time and resources.  
BandwidthLess bandwidth is available for satellite phones and hence only low data rates can be achieved.  Bandwidth in cellular network is not a concern due to advanced multiple access and modulation techniques such as MIMO,OFDM, OFDMA etc.  
System MaintenanceMaintenance of satellite system is complex and more costly.  Maintenance of cellular system is simple and less costly.  

Also Read: Difference Between GSM And CDMA

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