10 Key Difference Between Cryptogams And Phanerogams With Examples

August 2022 ยท 4 minute read


A cryptogam is a plant that reproduces by spores without flowers or seeds. The best-known groups of cryptogams are algae, lichens, Hornworts, Liverworts, mosses and ferns. It also includes non-photosynthetic organisms traditionally classified as plants, such as fungi, slime molds and bacteria.

Characteristics Of Cryptogams


Phanerogams are plants comprising those having reproductive organs, flowers or seeds. , in phanerogams, reproductive organs are clearly visible and the plant reproduces by production of seeds where seeds germinate into new plants. Examples include: Conifers, cycads, mango, gnetophytes, banyan dicot and Ginko.

Characteristics Of Phanerogams

Also Read: Difference Between Bryophytes And Pteridophytes

The Difference Between Cryptogams And Phanerogams In Tabular Form

Basis of ComparisonCryptogams Phanerogams
What are theyCryptogams are group of plants that have no true flowers or seeds and that reproduce by spores as the ferns, mosses, fungi and algae.Phanerogams are plants comprising those having reproductive organs, flowers or seeds.  
ReproductionReproductive organs are not visible and plants reproduce by formation of spores and do not bear seeds.Reproductive organs are clearly visible and the plant reproduces by production of seeds where seeds germinate into new plants.
Further ClassificationCan be further classified into Thallophyta, Pteridophyta and Bryophyta.Phanerogams can be further classified into gymnosperms and angiosperms.
Plant Structural DifferentiationThe plant structure of cryptogams is not well-differentiated into stem, leaves and roots.The plant structure of phanerogams is well differentiated and possesses well-developed stem, leaves and roots.
Mechanism Of ReproductionThe main mechanism of reproduction of cryptogams is the production of spores.The main mechanism of reproduction is the production of gametes.  
Vascular SystemLack a well-developed vascular system for transport of water, dissolved minerals and conduction of food substances to all parts of the plant.Have a well-developed vascular system for transport of water, dissolved minerals and conduction of food substances to all parts of the plant.  
FertilizationRequire external water for fertilization.Do not require external water for fertilization.  
EvolutionAre considered to be less evolved plants.Are considered to be highly evolved plants.  
SeedsDo not have seeds.Are seed bearing plants.
ExamplesExamples of cryptogams include algae, mosses, liverworts, hornworts and ferns.Examples of phanerogams include conifers, cycads, mango, gnetophytes, banyan dicot and Ginko.  


What is the main difference between Cryptogams and Phanerogams?

In cryptogams, reproductive organs are not visible and plants reproduce by formation of spores and do not bear seeds. Conversely, in phanerogams, reproductive organs are clearly visible and the plant reproduces by production of seeds where seeds germinate into new plants.

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